
The tutorial as a Pluto notebook is available here

To use MakiePublication, we need to import it together with the CairoMakie.jl package. MakiePublication use CairoMakie since it aims to produce figures for journal publishing which often requires vector graphics in the formats of PDF, EPS, and SVG.

using MakiePublication
using CairoMakie

Simple Plots

For simple plots, we can use with_theme block:

with_theme(theme_web()) do
    lines(0..10, sin)
    lines!(0..10, cos)

The output figure is:

simple plot with MakiePublication default theme

As compared to the Makie default theme:

simple plot with Makie default theme

Complicated Plots

with_theme can be also called with a plotting function. The following plotting function demonstrates how to:

  • plot fitted lines and data points together
  • draw a legend at desired location and its padding, columns.
  • tune the padding of a figure with respect to canvas
  • tune axis limits
# web theme: figure_padding=(2, 16, 2, 8), legend_margin=((15,0,0,10)
# other themes: figure_padding=(2, 6, 1, 6), legend_margin=((5,0,0,0)
function myplot(; figure_padding=(2,6,1,6), legend_margin=((5,0,0,0)))
    x = 0:0.001:1.0
    xs = 0:0.08:1.0
    fig = Figure(figure_padding=figure_padding)
    ax = Axis(fig, xlabel=L"x", ylabel=L"f(x)")

    l1 = lines!(ax, x, x.^(5/8), label=L"x^{5/8}")
    s1 = scatter!(ax, xs, xs.^(5/8))
    l2 = lines!(ax, x, x.^(3/4), label=L"x^{3/4}")
    s2 = scatter!(ax, xs, xs.^(3/4))
    l3 = lines!(ax, x, x, label=L"x")
    s3 = scatter!(ax, xs, xs)
    l4 = lines!(ax, x, x.^(5/4), label=L"x^{5/4}")
    s4 = scatter!(ax, xs, xs.^(5/4))
    l5 = lines!(ax, x, x.^(3/2), label=L"x^{3/2}")
    s5 = scatter!(ax, xs, xs.^(3/2))
    l6 = lines!(ax, x, x.^2, label=L"x^2")
    s6 = scatter!(ax, xs, xs.^2)
    l7 = lines!(ax, x, x.^3, label=L"x^3")
    s7 = scatter!(ax, xs, xs.^3)
    l8 = lines!(ax, x, x.^4, label=L"x^4")
    s8 = scatter!(ax, xs, xs.^4)
    l9 = lines!(ax, x, x.^6, label=L"x^6")
    s9 = scatter!(ax, xs, xs.^6)
    l10 = lines!(ax, x, x.^8, label=L"x^8")
    s10 = scatter!(ax, xs, xs.^8)

    xlims!(0, 1)
    ylims!(0, 1)

    axislegend(ax, [[l1, s1], [l2, s2], [l3, s3], [l4, s4], [l5, s5], [l6, s6], [l7, s7], [l8, s8], [l9, s9], [l10, s10]],
        [L"x^{5/8}", L"x^{3/4}", L"x", L"x^{5/4}", L"x^{3/2}", L"x^2", L"x^3", L"x^4", L"x^6", L"x^8"], nbanks=3, position=:lt, margin=legend_margin, padding=(0,0,0,0))
    fig[1,1] = ax
    return fig

myplot_web() = myplot(figure_padding=(2, 16, 2, 8), legend_margin=(15,0,0,10))

Applying CairoMakie default theme with following code


which produces

complicated plot with Makie default theme

Theming it by MakiePublication web theme with following code

with_theme(myplot_web, theme_web())

which produces

complicated plot with MakiePublication web theme

Notable changes are:

  • Resolution and figure aspect ratio
  • Color palette from Makie.wong_colors to seaborn_deep
  • Frameless figure legend
  • Visible minor ticks
  • Marker size
  • Spine width
  • Label font size

Color Palettes

MakiePublication has 15 built-in color palettes. We can choose a color palette from the array MakiePublication.COLORS and use it like this:

with_theme(myplot_web, theme_web(colors=MakiePublication.COLORS[5]))

Note we arrange the order of the color palettes in COLORS by how strongly we recommend it. The first is the most recommended color palette which is the MakiePublication default, i.e. seaborn_deep.

Or obtain the color palette by calling a function:

with_theme(myplot_web, theme_web(colors=MakiePublication.tol_bright()))

The resulted figure is

Choose color palette

Line Styles

By default, the line styles are given by MakiePublication.LINESTYLES. You can overwrite it with linestyles keyword of theme_* methods.

Moreover, the default cycle for Line plots does not cycle line styles. To cycle line styles, you have to pass a proper cycle using either cycle or linecycle keyword argument. See the example below:

lc = Cycle([:color, :linestyle], covary=true)
# Only solid and dashed line styles are cycled.
with_theme(myplot_web, theme_web(linecycle=lc, linestyles=[nothing, :dash]))

which produces

Choose line styles


By default, the markers are given by MakiePublication.MARKERS. You can overwrite it with markers keyword of theme_* methods.

# Only circle and diamond markers are cycled.
with_theme(myplot_web, theme_web(markers=[:circle, :diamond]))

which produces

Choose marker types

Hollow Markers

MakiePublicaion supports drawing hollow markers by using transparent color for marker face and drawing strokes only.

To draw hollow markers, we have to explicitly define a marker cycle including both :color=>:markercolor and :strokecolor=>:color, e.g.

Cycle([:color=>:markercolor, :strokecolor=>:color])

Moreover, we have to define a list of true or false values which indicates the ordering of whether the marker is hollow, and pass it to the ishollowmarkers keyword argument. For example,

[false, true]

It will make every second marker hollow.

You can also change the stroke width by passing the value to the makerstrokewidth keyword argument.

A full example is:

sc = Cycle([:color=>:markercolor, :strokecolor=>:color], covary=true)
with_theme(myplot_web, theme_web(scattercycle=sc, ishollowmarkers=[false, true], markerstrokewidth=1.5))

which produces

Create hollo markers


Cycler is extremely powerful. Using it properly can produce very complicated figures. See the example below:

lc = Cycle([:color, :linestyle], covary=true)
sc = Cycle([:color=>:markercolor, :strokecolor=>:color, :marker], covary=true)
    linestyles=[nothing, :dash, :dash],
    ishollowmarkers=[false, true, false],
    markers=[:circle, :diamond, :rtriangle],

which produces

Demonstrate how to use cyclers

Saving A Figure As An Image File

There are two ways to save a figure as an image file.

  • Use savefig. Provide a file path with desired extension, such as pdf, eps, svg, png, etc., such as
fig = with_theme(myplot, theme_acs())
savefig("plot.svg", fig)

For web display, we recommend use svg format for the image file.

  • Use save. The image size can be further customized with keyword px_per_unit, whose default value is 1. Increasing it will increase the resolution as well as the image size.
fig_web = with_theme(myplot_web, theme_web())
save("plot_web.png", fig_web, px_per_unit=4)